
George Davis’ 103rd Birthday

November 25, 2024

103 not out: Special birthday milestone for ‘stubborn’ George

Written by: Ally Hall for the Western Weekender

Photo credit: Melinda Jane

George Davis turned 100-years-old in his Emu Plains home in 2021, and on Tuesday, November 19, he celebrated his 103rd birthday at The Royce Retirement Village. Family, friends and residents celebrated the achievement with live music, finger food, and cheesecake.

His son, David Davis, credits his father’s long life to stubbornness and independence. “He’s very stubborn, he won’t give in, he’ll probably live to be 110,” David said. “I think he’ll probably outlive me, it’s just incredible.”

The former British Army soldier was born in London in 1921 and settled in St Marys with his family in 1965. He retired on the Central Coast before moving closer to his children after losing his wife. “Dad was last in Emu Plains and lived in a house on his own there and it just got a little bit too hard for him on his own, so he’s come here,” David explained. “He’s been here for about four or five months now and he’s settled in quite well.”

Over the sound of chatter and the strum of the acoustic guitar, George said his favourite memory was his marriage, and that he still has his letter from the late Queen Elizabeth. “It’s hanging on my door!” he said.
