
International Nurses Day 2020 to be marked with a special delivery from The Royce

May 12, 2020

To The Superheros In The Australian Health Service – Thank You!

Marking International Nurses Day is always important, but this year it takes on a whole new meaning. Nurses around the world will be recognised for their incredible dedication; their professionalism; and their enormous personal sacrifice for the good of us all.

To say thank you and show their appreciation The Residents at The Royce and Royce Manor spent Monday this week cooking up a storm, baking and icing cookies that were hand-delivered to Nepean Hospital just in time for morning tea.

Bianca Tulich, Director at The Royce, said ‘Our nurses are truly the superheroes in the Australian Health Service. It’s difficult to put into words the depth of gratitude we feel for them. This emergency situation has, without a doubt, brought their contribution to the forefront, but we must always recognise the importance of their role in caring for us, and our families every day.’

Bianca goes on to say, ‘Even though we are a new Retirement Living and Aged Care community the relationship we have developed over the last eight months with Nepean Hospital is very strong and we feel so grateful to have them just around the corner.’

International Nurses Day this year also marked the 200th anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale, who is famous for her lamp but also founded modern nursing and pioneered infection control.

For more information on The Royce please call us on 02 4744 6000.